The Institutional Economics of Corruption and Reform: Theory, Evidence and Policy

The Institutional Economics of Corruption and Reform: Theory, Evidence and Policy


1. Introduction
1.1. Why this book?

  • Just applying preexisting approaches to corruption won't work.
  • Some economists considered corruption, particularly in the form of bribery, as mutually beneficial exchange.
  • Others argued that excessive government intervention, market restriction, and burdening bureaucracy mattered.
  • For the last decade, most economists have been much less lenient on corruption than their predecessors. (Because of inauguration of Wolfensohn as the WB director?)
  • Looks like there is little correlation between the size of the public sector and corruption, be it negative or positive.
  • Privatization cannot be a prescription, because privatized firms would commit to "privatized" form of corruption, plus remember the massive corruption of transition economies! (but isn't it because crazy international institutions rushed into it?)
  • Decentralization is not a "recipe" either. All in all, "they are the wrong battlefield if one aims at containing corruption."
