Cat's Cradle: A Novel

Cat's Cradle: A Novel

Well, when it became evident that no governmental or economic reform was going to make the people much less miserable, the religion became the one real instrument of hope. Truth was the enemy of the people, because the truth was so terrible, so Bokonon made it his business to provide the people with better and better lies. [p.172]

キリスト教に限らず宗教に縁がない(こういう語彙を使ってるからには関係がないわけではない)ぼくは、ミサで朗読される聖書の一節を聞くと思い出してしまうのがヴォネガット「猫のゆりかご」の上のくだり。Julian Castleがボコノン教の成立について説明する場面。